Tuesday, May 11, 2010

post # 5 step 2

I chose two interviews from the Terkel those are, "Counting" and "Fred Roman".
Firstly, I liked "Counting" interview because in our class ,we have been discussing about service jobs and how these jobs like to be.That'swhy I am interested it because in "Counting" Nancy Roggers, works in a bank as a teller.She is kind of romantic woman who likes do fun while working.In addition, she enjoys talking to costumers(clients).She says, "You take your time to talk -which makes the job more enjoyable".However, her supervisor doesn't allowed joking and talking with costumers.According to her she doesn't know many co-workers' name beside one black girl.Because they don't interact each other and they have quite talk during coffee breaks.There is speculation.I see a connection from the Wal-Mart ",Karen Olsson states, that women are paid less than men.Here, in her interview Nancy also states that most banks tellers are women because of the pay scale it's assumed that they pay women less than men .She was about to promoting unfortunately, she got fired because they don't let workers to go further rather they fire them.Another reason, she states that she got fired because they want everybody to be pretty much the same, kind of conservative, fiting into the norm.Moreover,she thinks a lot of places don't want people to be people. Also, they want workers to almost be the machines they're working with.No matter how nicely you treat your costumers, they don't even care you or recognize you.She thinks she treated almost as a machine.Also,at the party people asked her about job position when she says that she is a teller than people walk away. She claims that most service workers don't have prestige.It's a service job.Whether you're a waiteress, salesperson, anything like that working directly for public it's not quite looked on as being prestigious.In addition,she thinks service job as a housemaid or a servant.I think she is right because most service workers are treated like this way.Workers don't have freedom while they're working.They do have mentally and physically pressure.

Another interview I read is "Fred Roman" , who is Accountant.While he was in high school he had hard time to choosing right major for him.Since he was good in math he wanted to be engineer but he was not good in science.So he had to take poor decession which is accountaing.He eliminated everything else.In addition,he really didn't want to be an accountant but he had no choice.While he is working in accounting job, if he does a small mistake can lead to big problem or will not get job for next year.So this job is very sensitive job.

After I reading 7-8 interviewes from the Terkel I saw non of the workers are satisfied in their jobs.
Many workers have to work with their outof interest. They have no choice because if they work what they interested in; that might not have good money;however, they have to work for the money.So this shows workers have to compromise a lot sometimes with boss or manager, sometimes with money,and sometimes with situation.These affect workers alot sometimes this might lead to be a crazy person or disable person.

Do workers always have to work with fearing and forcing in work place?
What is a regular worker' right in work place?

1 comment:

  1. Shoba -

    Interestingly, someone once criticized Terkel for the interviews in the book being too negative, for ignoring the positive side. His response was that he would have loved it if more of the people he'd interviewed had found pleasure in their work, but that wasn't the case.

    *But* = we will look at 'alternatives' and 'solutions' in our last readings preparing for the exit exam. These are great questions - but you want to think about making them more specific before you start your research. Think about bringing in a key term to help with this.
