Wednesday, April 21, 2010

post # 3

After reading "Who built the pyramids," Mike has stressful life such as, taking care of family, only work, no time to spend with his family.He excepts his son to go college and work official job.I think human beings do better than what our parents did.Almost every parents expect their kids' mobility in every field.On the other hand, in" Born rich,"rich people have alot of money and their own society.They don't know outside enviornment how it feels like.How work feels like they don't know because don't need to do it.However, in some ways born rich kids are bored because some of them want to do some professional things.They're isolated.In "Who built the pyramids,"Mike has more expectatin than "Born rich," at least poor people work hard want better life for kids.
Professor, did I answer correctly because I am confused with connecting two ideas together.

1 comment:

  1. Shova, you have answered! A difference is a connection.

    I'm curious about your claim that what every parent expects is class mobility. If this is the case, what do you think happens when this doesn't happen - which, as we learned from Krugman, is more and more the case in the United States.
